For businesses running SAP as their ERP solution, SAP S/4HANA and its predecessor SAP R/3 are predominant choices.The two business solutions provide comprehensive ERP and CRM features. From data warehousing to AI, SAP S/4HANAand R/3 are designed to adopt new business models and solve complex challenges effectively.
Despite how flexible SAP is, the software has several limitations for effectivedocument management, restricting its expertise. SAP databases have thetendency to slow down when there is a lot of data being stored in them andmore information gets uploaded on a regular basis over time. This often leads toslower response times and that's when it starts affecting users' experience.Also, this puts a lot of pressure on storage and infrastructure costs because thesystem itself doesn't support storing large amounts of data directly on itsdatabase memory. SAP is a complex software product that requires expertise.As extensive training is required during implementation, it is not user-friendly orintuitive for new users. Costs of SAP licensing are high. Organisations oftenneed to buy these licences for external parties or business partners. Forexample, a view-only-access licence for auditors with limited access. Thepurchase of several licences also adds to higher costs. SAP DMS is an add-onfor existing SAP products and is therefore only compatible with them. SAP doesnot provide email archival. SAP DMS currently does not support a mobileapplication for document management. While some mid and large-scalecompanies can deploy SAP into their business operations, it is not a feasibleoption for most. It is especially nonviable for small-scale enterprises due to itsimplementation complexity, required staff training, and high costs. Theseobstacles limit SAP utilisation. Organisations must also purchase SAP DMSadd-ons individually for better management of documents. Hence, mid andlarge-scale organisations need to seek out DMS options outside the SAPecosystem.
Greenbox is the ideal alternative for SMBs and large enterprises that require more than a simple storage solution. It offers high functionality, scalability, andperformance with no additional costs - because all documents are stored in the file system. It is easy to set up with minimal specialized help. The intuitiveUI lets users navigate the DMS easily and on-demand training and support are just a click away. The Greenbox team handles all requests directly. Implementation, support, and customization services are tailored to suit the budgets of all enterprises. Greenbox archives existing employee emails by enablingbusinesses to search existing messages with ease, in turn making it a lot easier to archive employee old emails. By using OCR tagging with excellent searchfunctionality, business owners can easily find archived data in real-time when they need it most! Greenbox Licensing is more comprehensive and cost-effective for any on-premise, cloud, or hybrid deployment, as well as offers, pay-as-you-go subscriptions with custom storage plans. And as any app user canattest to, having document retrieval and approval capabilities on various mobile devices at their fingertips makes Greenbox an easy choice for your nextbusiness application needs.
Here are some examples of business scenarios where documents are heavily involved and managed swiftly by Greenbox without having tocompromise on performance.
Managing employee documents like pay packages,bonds, and agreements, and other confidentialdocuments is a crucial responsibility of the HR department. Greenbox offers a secure digital repository where HR can impose stringent permissionsand track user activity through real-time reportsand audit trails.
The Greenbox integratedworkflow can efficiently help organisationskeep track of orders and services completed andshare and collaborate the process of invoicegeneration and management.
Mid-scale and large-scale organisations havemany negotiated, re-negotiated, and updatedcontracts. Greenbox provides three powerfulsearch options--Open text, OCR, and metadata thatensure contract management is simple and efficient.
Organisations with multi-tier document reviewprocesses can benefit from Greenbox. The DMS has accurate version control and an authoritysystem that is useful in the revision andapproval process.
Storing documents on in-house servers can bedifficult due to space constraints. Greenbox providesscalable cloud storage that allows easy capture andmanagement of electronic documents, Microsoft Officefiles, scanned images, or other multimedia files.
Greenbox offers an excellent alternative to SAP S/4HANA and SAP R/3 for document management. Organisations can optimise operation costs byremoving unnecessary licences, higher maintenance and infrastructure cost and the complexity of using SAP systems.
Greenbox has proven to be a secure, flexible, and collaborative DMS that provides efficient and contemporary document management solutions.Discus Business Solutions has been instrumental in helping organisations achieve productive document management on Greenbox. With expertisein AWS, SAP, and product implementations, Discus Business Solutions also offers several end-to-end IT solutions.